About Pelvic Health & Wellness Services
The pelvic floor consists of skin, muscles, ligaments, nerves, connective tissues, blood vessels, and organs in your pelvis. The pelvic floor provides stability for your pelvic girdle and spine and supports your bladder, rectum, and pelvic organs, including your uterus and vagina.
Pelvic floor disorders are conditions that affect the components of the pelvic floor, causing uncomfortable symptoms.
If you or a loved one are suffering from a pelvic floor disorder, the Pelvic Health & Wellness Program at Skilled Ways can help manage your symptoms and get you back to doing what you love.
Types of Pelvic Floor Disorders:
1- Bladder Control Problems
Affects 35% of all women, 50% of women over the age of 65, and 25% of all men.
- Urinaryincontinence (unintentional leaking of urine)
- Urinaryurgency (strong urge to urinate)
- Urinary frequency(urinating more than 8 times in 24 hours)
- Nocturia(waking up more than once during the night to urinate)
- Slowor weak urine stream
- Difficultyemptying the bladder
- Pelvicorgan prolapse (cystocele or uterine prolapse)List Item
2- Bowel Control Problems
3- Pelvic Pain Problems
4- Pregnancy-Related Problems
Affects 50-70% of women during pregnancy, and 30-50% postpartum
- Pelvicgirdle and back pain
- Diastasisrectus abdominis (pregnancy-related separation of the abdominal wall)
- Sacroiliacjoint pain
- Coccyxpain (tailbone pain)
- Pubicsymphysis dysfunction
- Cesareansection complications
- Perinealinjuries (episiotomy, perineal tears)
- Painfulintercourse after vaginal delivery
- Postpartumperineal pain
- Pelvicfloor muscle weakness (incontinence issues during and after delivery)
Benefits of Pelvic Health & Wellness
Pelvic health and wellness are essential for your overall health and well-being. Having a healthy pelvic floor ensures that you have good bladder and bowel control and allows you to live an active lifestyle without worrying about uncomfortable and embarrassing symptoms.
Symptoms of pelvic floor disorders are not only uncomfortable but can be embarrassing and affect your daily activities. Pelvic floor physical therapy is highly effective for treating pelvic floor disorders. With the help of the trained physical therapists at Skilled Ways, you can maintain a healthy pelvic floor and enjoy life again.
If you or a loved one are suffering from symptoms of a pelvic floor disorder, contact us to learn more about our Pelvic Health & Wellness Program.
Symptoms of Pelvic Floor Disorders
Symptoms of pelvic floor disorders vary depending on the type and severity of the disorder. Common symptoms of pelvic floor disorders include urinary and bowel issues. Urinary problems may include urinary incontinence (leaking urine), urinary urgency (strong urge to urinate), urinary frequency (urinating more often than normal), or difficulty emptying your bladder. Bowel problems that may occur include constipation, fecal incontinence (leaking stool), or difficulty passing stool.
In addition to urinary and bowel issues, you may have pelvic pain, pressure, or a feeling of heaviness, which may be worse with certain activities such as prolonged standing, lifting, or coughing. You may also notice a bulging of your pelvic organs, such as your uterus or bladder, from your vagina or rectum, which may cause discomfort. Further, you may have pain, reduced sensation, and difficulty with sexual intercourse.