Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy

WhatDoes MSKPhysiotherapy Mean?

Skilled Ways have a team of musculoskeletal physiotherapists who dedicate their
expertise in MSK physiotherapy to those suffering from problems relating to
– Nerves
– Ligaments
– Tendons
– Joints
– Bones
– Muscles
Musculoskeletal therapy aims to give you back your independence by helping you
restore your movement and function, it can also reduce the risk of further injury and
prevent unnecessary wear and tear on joints and ligaments that are already damaged.
With a personally tailored rehabilitation plan, MSK physiotherapy can truly improve
your quality of life.
Manypatients who have completed an MSK rehabilitation program with Clearcut
Physiotherapy have said they notice a reduction in hospital visits, and a reduction in
medication costs as well as the overall benefits to their physical and mental health.
Our team of specialists can diagnose as well as treat musculoskeletal conditions both
in-house or at your home

Musculoskeletal conditions include

  • Backpainfromwearandtear or injury
  •  Jointpain
  •  Recoveryfromsurgery such as hip or knee replacement
  •  Injuries including recovery from fractures
  •  Arthritis of the hands and wrists
  •  Arthritis of the knees and ankle joints
  • Arthritis of the hip and lower back
  • Arthritis of the shoulders and neck

WhatWill An MSKPhysiotherapy Treatment Be Like?

After we have taken all your details we look at reaching a diagnosis. Your posture,
movement, muscle length, strength and a variety of special tests will be carried out
to identify the cause and any contributing factors. Once a diagnosis is reached we will
work together to create a tailored plan to get you back on track. This may include a
number of varied techniques which are listed below or indeed one treatment that is
consistent until we reach a milestone where we can readdress your treatment plan.

Tailored plans involve complete specialist guidance while meeting your personal
input as a priority. The programme is put together with goals and milestones which
wecanreach together in a timely but relaxed manner. At Skilled Ways, 95% of the
treatments we use are manual therapy based. This means treatment can be
completed in your own home if this is where you would feel more comfortable.
